SUBJ: Happy holidays – and Good Health!

SUBtitle: Take deep breaths, relax, be grateful

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Be grateful.

A major cause of cancer is sleeper cells, that become cancerous when exposed to inflammation, the second cause of aging.

Long-term use of statins may be inadvertently aiding the enemy by accelerating coronary artery calcification.

AARP-”If you’re going to drink a 20 ounce soda, it’s probably better to drink a diet soda. But, you know, it’s better to drink neither.”

What motivates us.  Impulse for motivation is generated by the balance of dopamine and acetylcholine.

Impact of early life trauma and possible treatment- a short treatment of diazepam

Curalin – a herbal supplement formulated to treat diabetes but with anecdotal indications for stress reduction, improved metabolism and even insomnia.

The Eagle is the first and only contactless laser surgery for glaucoma patients.


Be grateful – essay from previously.

New Yorker 12/18 pg 12 Sleeper Cells – A major cause of cancer is sleeper cells, that become cancerous when exposed to inflammation, the second cause of aging.  A major cause of inflammation is PM2.5, small particles in air pollution especially in big cities, locations near coal-fired electricity generation, dense traffic when commuting, and eating red meat, that contains inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids.  Fish has omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation.

A new expert review suggests that long-term use of statins may be inadvertently aiding the enemy by accelerating coronary artery calcification.   For decades, statins have been heralded as the reliable heroes in the battle against heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States and globally. However, this seemingly flawless reputation has been called into question.  A new expert review suggests that long-term use of statins may be inadvertently aiding the enemy by accelerating coronary artery calcification instead of providing protection.
Statins Deplete Heart-Protecting Nutrients
The review, published in Clinical Pharmacology, suggests statins may act as “mitochondrial toxins,” impairing muscle function in the heart and blood vessels by depleting coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an antioxidant cells use for growth and maintenance. Multiple studies show statins inhibit CoQ10 synthesis, leading many patients to supplement.

CoQ10 is vital for producing ATP, the cell’s fundamental energy carrier. Insufficient CoQ10 inhibits ATP production, resulting in an energy deficit that the review authors say “could be a major cause for heart muscle and coronary artery damage. “We believe that many years of statin drug therapy result in the gradual accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage,” according to the authors. A 2022 study published in Biophysical Journal linked reduced ATP to heart failure. A 2008 study published in BioFactors reaffirms the statin–CoQ10 link. Researchers evaluated 50 statin patients for side effects like fatigue and muscle pain. All then stopped statins and supplemented CoQ10 for 22 months on average.

AARP-”If you’re going to drink a 20 ounce soda, it’s probably better to drink a diet soda. But, you know, it’s better to drink neither.”; Adaptogen herbs and other plants may have anti-stress benefits-ashwagandha, rhodiola rosea, chaga,… but they are not a replacement for a core lifestyle change;  20 minutes to walk a mile gives 2,000 steps. But even walking 10 minutes is a win!;  50% of women over 40 have “dense breasts”. Those with extremely dense breasts are at greater risk for breast cancer. Ask your docto;  Ice baths may have some merit in revving up your immune system.  But you can just turn your shower to cold for a moment to get a similar effect;  I’ve had 5 COVID boosters. Do I need another one? YES, COVID changes like influenza, so there is a new vaccine coming every year now adapted to the lastest variant. COIVD still sends hundreds of thousands to the hospital every year!;  Phenylephrine in cold medicines does not work when taken orally.

What motivates us. Research led by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has discovered that the impulse for motivation is generated by the balance in the striatum area of the brain of simultaneous wavelike patterns of two neurochemicals – dopamine and acetylcholine. The team used advanced genetic tools and imaging.

Impact of early life trauma and possible treatment. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have also been studying the brain. In lab tests they found that trauma in early life caused problems in adults that showed up on brain scans. But a short treatment of diazepam soon after trauma erased those signs on adult brain scans.

Herbal diabetic remedy and more. Israel’s Curalife manufactures Curalin – a herbal supplement formulated to treat diabetes but with anecdotal indications for stress reduction, improved metabolism and even insomnia. It contains nine herbs based on Ayurvedic medicine – an ancient Indian practice.

US approval for glaucoma laser device. Israel’s Belkin Vision (previously Belkin Laser – see here) has received US FDA clearance for the use of its automatic and noninvasive glaucoma laser surgery device. The Eagle is the first and only contactless laser surgery for glaucoma patients.