SUBJ: Linus Pauling Meeting Highlights

SUBtitle: Eat quercetin, dark chocolate, exercise.

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SHORT NOTES: Complete Linus Pauling meeting notes here.  Please enjoy the Hallmarks of aging diagram.

Highlights – eat quercetin, dark chocolate, exercise.

Quercetin reverses 70% of aging effects.

Our health system is broken, it promotes the development of chronic disease requiring pharmaceutical treatment, rather than promoting healthspan by educating patients about diet, exercise, and mental fitness.

The greater the diversity in your diet, the more your microbiome protects you from the environmental hazards in life.

Broccoli greatly aided survival from Alzheimer’s.

Calcium supplements disrupt aging and cause harm.

What to eat – salmon, herring, pumpkin, cruciferious veggies

There is now a quite reliable healthspan clock known as iAGE.


Linus Pauling meeting notes coming soon. I spent 2 days in intense lectures on how to extend healthspan.  I was delighted to discover I am doing all of the things they recommended, except for rapamycin that I will do when I get home.  rapamycin is anti-inflammatory, a 10 week course can reduce chronic inflammation! Highlights – eat quercetin, dark chocolate, exercise. Quercetin reverses 70% of aging effects, half-life is 11 hrs, so needed twice a day (like quercetin in Mito-C.) Fruits and vegetables are the primary dietary sources of quercetin, particularly citrus fruits, apples, onions, parsley, sage, tea, and red wine. Olive oil, grapes, dark cherries, and dark berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and bilberries are also high in quercetin and other flavonoids.

I am getting a 10-week course of rapamycin which dramatically reduces inflammation and helps rejuvenate the immune system, whose decline is a key factor in aging. BHB (beta-hydroxy butyric acid) has the same effect as the ketogenic diet, with tremendous benefits. Our health system is broken, it promotes the development of chronic disease requiring pharmaceutical treatment, rather than promoting healthspan by educating patients about diet, exercise, and mental fitness. A Western diet has a limited variety of microbes, a varied vegetarian diet has a much larger variety of creatures.  The greater the diversity, the more protected you are from the environmental hazards in life.  A particular seaweed, Dulse, reduced obesity, blood glucose, reduced liver weight and fatty liver, and leptin levels. The main seaweed in suchi, Nori, did not have these benefits.  Sulfurophanes (SFN) are depleted in 72 hrs.  Mixed SFN from broccoli greatly aided survival from Alzheimer’s.  Calcium supplements disrupt aging and cause harm

What to eat – salmon, herring, pumpkin, cruciferious veggies  to increase microbiome diversity – reduces cognitive deterioration. Gait speed is vital to healthspan.  Keto diet is best treatment for epilepsy!

There is now a quite reliable healthspan clock known as iAGE.  Based on a 1,000 person study, they believe they can predict frailty 7 years before it occurs. A blood sample shows immune proteins that allow calculation of your healthspan.

There is a new AI for scientists, Elicit. I asked it to compile for me a list of supplements to extend healthspan.  I believe the list shows the benefit and limits of AI, as I disagree with some answers, I know they are missing many appropriate but less known choices, and am considering adding some of their choices.Here’s the result: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Time-restricted feeding (sustained feeding-fasting cycles), Green Tea Extract, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), Dietary tryptophan and methionine restriction, Resveratrol, Probiotics, Low protein, high carbohydrate diets, Magnesium, Curcumin, Calcium, Zinc, Vitamin B12, Protein restriction, Selenium, Folate, Garlic, Iron, Essential Vitamins, Niacin, Short-term fasting.


Positive results in bladder cancer trial. Israel’s UroGen Pharma (see here previously) has published positive results from two clinical trials of bladder cancer treatment UGN-102. The therapy can benefit some 80,000 patients. Trial success (65%) was similar to patients who had surgery but with a 55% less re-occurrence rate.

” Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a naturally occurring compound found in Brassica vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale. DIM is currently under investigation as a naturally occurring compound for the prevention and treatment of cancer, infectious diseases (including Covid-19) and immune deficiency conditions due to its potent anti-cancer, immune modulating and anti-inflammatory properties.