SUBJ: Stress contributes to obesity

SUBtitle: Calcium supplements wreck healthy Ca:Mg ratio

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Almost nothing is known about the causes of obesity, or what one can do about it. However, free webMD Discovering Holistic Weight Management Sept 14, 1pmET Register here.

The Ca:Mg intake ratio appeared most protective within a range of 2.2–3.2, so calcium supplements would wreck this

Reader question: Can stem cell treatment replace knee surgery? This is for informational purposes only.  Stem cell therapy costs about one-third of the cost of knee replacement surgery.

“Why We Sleep” is a book that summarizes scientific research on sleep.

Brain stimulation eases ADHD symptoms.

Marijuana is now 4 times stronger than it was 8 years ago

Good food is very often, even most often, simple food

6 Good Habits That Might Cause Premature Aging-walking without strength training, not enough sunshine


Science 1 Sept pg 944 – Unanswered questions about obesity! Almost nothing is known about the causes of obesity, or what one can do about it. Chronic stress seems to be an important contributor.  Maternal obesity and diet may epigenetically alter children to become obese, the epigenome may play a role.

J Nutr: Sept Dietary calcium and magnesium are important for bone, perhaps not independently. The Ca:Mg intake ratio appeared most protective within a range of 2.2–3.2, suggesting that a balance of these nutrients may be considered in recommendations for osteoporosis. [Note calcium supplements would wreck this dietary ratio]

Reader question: Can stem cell treatment replace knee surgery? This is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. Stem cell therapy is a non-invasive alternative to knee replacement surgery for many patients with arthritis.

It uses stem cells that are naturally found in adult bone marrow and fat.

The therapy is considered safe and effective.

It is also less risky than joint replacement surgery because it uses autologous cells, which eliminates the risk of allergic reactions or the body rejecting the regenerated tissue.

Stem cell therapy costs about one-third of the cost of knee replacement surgery. Patients who have had stem cell therapy have reported an average of 67% overall improvement. They have also experienced an 84.31% decrease in resting pain, a 61.95% decrease in active pain, and a 55.68% increase in functionality score.

“Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker is a book that summarizes scientific research on sleep. The book explains how sleep can improve learning, mood, and energy levels, and how it can help prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. Walker also provides strategies to overcome the risks associated with a sleep-deprived society.

Brain stimulation eases ADHD symptoms. In a small clinical study, Israeli and UK researchers found non-invasive brain stimulation improved the condition of 55% of unmedicated ADHD children aged 6-12. Only 17% of the placebo control group improved. 64% of the treated children retained the improvement weeks later.
Marijuana is now 4 times stronger than it was 8 years ago because of breeding more potent weed.

From Kevin F:“Good food is very often, even most often, simple food.”– Anthony Bourdain

AARP-6 Good Habits That Might Cause Premature Aging-walking without strength training, You constantly wear supportive shoes, you don’t drink enough water, Age-related decreases in a urine-concentrating chemical called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) can wreck sleep, At minimum, you should go outside for 15 to 30 minutes every morning, then again in the late afternoon or evening to take in those calming red and orange sunsets, You eat ‘nutrition’ bars, You avoid eating eggs.