SUBJ: Many benefits of taking plenty of melatonin

SUBtitle: Peptide blocks protein binding causing Alzheimers memory loss

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SHORT NOTES: Melatonin might be helpful for macular degeneration, gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and migraines [Note I take about 20 mg every night.]; Israeli biotech MemoryPlus has developed a peptide to block the interaction of proteins PTEN & PSD-95, that causes memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients; Unnecessary diagnostic imaging remains a substantial problem in the United States.The United States occupies top usage ranks, 5 and 3 times higher than those of Finland; Discourage MRI with contrast. “gadolinium deposition disease” (GDD); Habits that hurt your brain- lack of sleep may be a cause of dementia, Too Much Alone Time, Eat Too Much Junk Food…; foods to improve circulation-Cayenne Pepper, Beets, Berries…


Melatonin is a hormone that directs your circadian rhythms. Melatonin is best known for helping with sleep issues like jet lag, insomnia, and delayed sleep phase, a disorder that causes you to go to sleep later and wake up later.  Animal studies suggest it may help with weight loss. It might be helpful for macular degeneration, gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and migraines.   researchers aren’t sure of its long-term effects. The most common side effects of melatonin supplements are headache, dizziness, nausea, and drowsiness during the day. Melatonin doesn’t mix well with certain medications (list). short-term use of low-dose melatonin is safe for kids and adults, but not for babies. use the synthetic version. Take it a few hours before bedtime. [Note I take about 20 mg every night.  Lots of new evidence of benefit.]

Busting the protein link to Alzheimer’s. Israeli biotech MemoryPlus has developed a peptide to block the interaction of proteins PTEN & PSD-95, that causes memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients. The disease makes excessive PTEN, which attacks PSD-95, weakening the brain’s synapses. The peptide also lowers PTEN levels.

Curbing Unnecessary and Wasted Diagnostic Imaging.  Despite modest effects from initiatives such as the Choosing Wisely campaign, unnecessary diagnostic imaging remains a substantial problem in the United States.13 Significant between-country differences probably reflect largely wasted overuse. The United States occupies top usage ranks, 5 and 3 times higher than those of Finland.  There is an “intolerance of ambiguity” on the patient’s part as well as the legal system we live in. Doctors no longer have the clinical skill (or the time) to take a good history and do a complete physical exam that will result in a differential diagnosis and treatment plan.

Discourage MRI with contrast. “gadolinium deposition disease” (GDD). “Patients often report brain fog, a searing skin pain, and a distinct rib discomfort. Additional symptoms can range from tinnitus and vision shifts to cardiac arrhythmias,” he told The Epoch Times. “These symptoms can manifest immediately or within a month of the GBCA injection. Their novelty to the patient is a crucial indicator.” Also mitochondrial dysfunction has been noted in other studies. [My doctor says they have you drink a lot of water to dilute the agent so the kidney can remove it quickly.]

WebMD-Habits that hurt your brain- lack of sleep may be a cause of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Too Much Alone Time, Eat Too Much Junk Food, With your earbuds at full volume, you can permanently damage your hearing in only 30 minutes, without regular exercise, the more likely you are to have dementia. You’re also more likely to get diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, You Still Smoke, You Overeat, you don’t get enough natural light.

WebMD-foods to improve circulation-Cayenne Pepper, Beets, Berries, Fatty Fish, Pomegranates, Garlic, Walnuts, Grapes, Turmeric, Spinach, Citrus Fruit