SUBJ: 7 Risky Exercises and Better Bets

SUBtitle: sleep is important for neuropathic pain prevention and public health

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SHORT NOTES: 7 Risky Exercises and Better Bets-1: Lat Pull-down Behind the Head, Safer Lat Pull-down, On the pull–down machine, lean back a few degrees, use a wider–than–shoulder grip, and bring the bar down in front of your body to the breastbone, pulling shoulder blades down and together; Effects of Sleep Reactivity on Sleep Macro-Structure, Orderliness, and Cortisol After Stress; sleep is important for neuropathic pain prevention and public health; What happens when you lose weight


WebMD: 7 Risky Exercises and Better Bets-1: Lat Pull-down Behind the Head, Safer Lat Pull-down, On the pull–down machine, lean back a few degrees, use a wider–than–shoulder grip, and bring the bar down in front of your body to the breastbone, pulling shoulder blades down and together. 2: Military Press Behind the Head, A safer shoulder alternative: When doing the military press, keep the bar in front of your head. No. 3: Upright Row. Instead of doing an upright row, work your shoulders with a front or lateral shoulder raise, lifting weights out to the front or side of the body. Keep a slight bend in your arms. 4: Leg Press with Cramped Knees, keep your butt from rotating off the back of the machine. Push from the knees as far as you can, but if you experience pain, do not stretch as far. ETC.

Effects of Sleep Reactivity on Sleep Macro-Structure, Orderliness, and Cortisol After Stress: A Preliminary Study in Healthy Young Adults. Stress can damage the sleep and increase cortisol release in good sleepers, especially those with high sleep reactivity . N1, N2 and REM sleep are more easily affected, while NREM sleep stage 3 sleep is relatively stable.

The Underlying Mechanisms of Sleep Deprivation Exacerbating Neuropathic Pain. Because of the impact sleep problems and neuropathic pain can have on the patients’ quality of life, studying the link between sleep and neuropathic pain is important for neuropathic pain prevention and public health.

WebMD – What happens when you lose weight-better sleep, better mood, better sex life, Weight loss can reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol. It can also slash risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and osteoarthritis. Too much excess weight can dull your sense of taste, Studies connect obesity to troubles with memory, thinking skills, and overall brain function, Fixed meal times can help regulate the internal clock that keeps your body running on a 24-hour day.