SUBJ: My website has disappeared

SUBtitle: Happy New Years Resolutions

I am trying to get the host to reload it.  What a New Year’s surprise for me. I wish you a Happy New Year.

News Notes:

The biggest scientific question that has not been answered, I feel, is “How do I change my behavior?” As you consider resolutions, know that there is not a good answer, and I have been looking for 40+ years since I began my website.  As nutrition, exercise, and weight are tightly linked to healthspan, and tightly linked to changing behavior.  One suggestion is consider small steps, concrete rewards, and simply being grateful for whatever you can. My missing website has more and I will let you a link as it is up again.

Anthropoage estimator! Here is a new way to calculate your physiological age.  Note how important nutrition, exercise, and weight control are:

My sample data:

Thigh and arm measured at largest circumference

Date.   real age. Height.  Weight. waist line. thigh circum. arm circum. Anthropoage

221230 74.2.     171.45.   68.946.    83.82.    55.88             30.48            69.51

May 2023 be much kinder than 2022 has been.
